
What is new in Angular 15?

Discover the new features that the Angular team prepared for us

Mocking Concepts - Testing Series #2

The mental model around mocking

What is new in Angular v14 - A Game Changer

Discover what is new in Angular 14

Static, Unit, Integration, and End-to-End Tests Explained - Testing Series #1

An exploration of the four major categories of software testing

20 TypeScript Flags You Should be Using

We will see how to maximize your experience with TypeScript.

Narrowing Library

A library for narrowing

Asynchronous type guards - TypeScript Narrowing #7

Asynchronous type guards

Typescript: Conditional types

Conditional types

TypeScript infer Keyword

TypeScript infer Keyword with examples

Assertion Functions or Assertion Guards - TypeScript Narrowing #5

Assertion Functions or Assertion Guards

Early Returns/Exits - Code Patterns in JavaScript

Early Returns/Exits

Discriminated Unions or Tagged Unions Types - TypeScript Narrowing #4

Discriminated Unions or Tagged Unions Types

JavaScript Hoisting and Function Types

Declarations, Expressions and Statements

Custom Type Guards - TypeScript Narrowing #3

TypeScript Narrowing #3

Unknown vs Any in TypeScript

Unknown vs Any in TypeScript with examples

Higher Order Guards (Functions) - TypeScript Narrowing #6

TypeScript Narrowing #6

Autocomplete with fuzzy search and Fuse.js

Learn how to create a list of suggestions while you type a browser name

Fundamental Type Guards - TypeScript Narrowing #2

TypeScript Narrowing #2

Falsy and Truthy in JavaScript

Falsy and Truthy in JavaScript

What is a Type Guard. TypeScript Narrowing #1

TypeScript Narrowing #1

Null vs undefined in javascript

Null vs undefined in javascript

Intersection observer and infinite scroll in a visual way

Infinite scroll in a visual way

Scalable front-end architecture

How we organize our projects

How to use docker for development

Docker for development environment

Advanced Approaches to Angular Form Validations

Angular form validations from inside the ControlValueAccessor, using the Validator and AsyncValidator interfaces. And from outside, passing ValidatorFns and AsyncValidatorFns to a FormControl.

Angular structural directives and their microsyntax

Angular structural directives and their microsyntax

Native Smooth Scroll with pure CSS and JS

Making a smooth scroll with pure CSS and JS

How to choose a javascript framework

Learning how to choose a javascript framework

Angular: Automatically Unsubscribe Observables on Destroy

How to subscribe to something and tell Angular to automatically unsubscribe when the component (or directive) is destroyed.

Control Value Accessor: Custom Form Components in Angular

Create custom form components in Angular and control them with a FormControl.

Angular 13. What's new

We will see what is new on Angular 13